Monday, 1 June 2015

Banish the bad dreams

Bad dreams, nightmares, night terrors, whatever you call them, I have them.
I hate waking in the middle of the night in absolute panic. Did I hear someone banging on the door, is there someone in the room.
Then there are the type that make me feel stressed. The dream I regularly have is that I'm sorting all my buttons into jars of different colours, and that I keep seeing a button in the wrong jar and as soon as I get it out I spot another, silly I know.
So I decided I would make myself a dream catcher to hang above my bed.
Starting with a basic doily pattern, I made it until it was the correct size to fit inside a wooden crochet hook, then worked a double crochet stitch around the hoop, securing the doily as I went.
Once I finished the first, well I kept going.

I now have a collection of 40 dream catchers to choose from!
Sweet dreams
Katie x x

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Spring is in the air

Just a short post to share the story of my little family of blackbirds that nested in my garden.

I was rather worried when I first spotted the nest here, and tried to dissuade the blackbird from building here (on the top of my winter jasmine, just below the ivy,  and a walkway of one of the neighbours cats) but every time I came home I found her busy at work.
The nest was just below my daughters bedroom window, she was so excited when she looked out to see the first egg had hatched that she phoned me at work to let me know.
Unfortunately non of the other eggs in the nest hatched.

The chick grew quickly, fed well by mum and dad. It was very difficult to photograph as, as soon as it heard the window open it would duck down to hide from us.
This was the last time I saw the baby, ready to take off into the world.
Katie x x

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Glorious day

Don't you just love those mornings when the sun is shining, the air is fresh and the birds are singing. Today was one of those days.
Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to live by the coast (usually in the middle of winter when the wind is coming off the sea, or in the middle of summer and everywhere else is basking in sunshine while we are covered in a freezing cold sea fret), today it was just perfect.
This is the gorgeous view I get to enjoy each morning on my way to work. It's my favourite part of the day when I get to walk along the promenade, listening to the sea.
This morning I wanted to head onto the beach to get some pictures of one of my projects, I made them during the winter and put them away until it was better beach weather.
The tide had just gone out so I had to dodge some of the pools of water, and had to be careful not to sink into the damp sand. There was also the worry of my makes being snatched away by the dogs that were enjoying their early morning runs.
I love looking at the patterns left on the beach, both natural and man made.
My next picture isn't so clear, I spotted a group of sea birds resting on the rocks, I only had my phone with me, so was unable to get a close up picture, and I wasn't clambering over rock pools to get closer. I still need to look them up and see what species they are.
I got a little carried away and was almost late for work.
As it was such a lovely day I headed back to the seafront on my lunch break, perks of working by the seaside.
Here's to many more sunny days.
Katie x x

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Words of Wisdom

I don't know if you are like me, but sometimes I find I am my own worst enemy. I'm the one who puts the doubts in my mind, who thinks the things I do aren't good enough, or I'm not good enough.
So to remind myself how amazing I really am I make little affirmations to give me the boost we all sometimes need!
This was the first piece I made for myself. I had been going through a time when I had a very low self esteem, this was my list of positive things about myself that I was asked to create.

I filled the hearts with lavender to help with a good nights sleep.

It's not till I put all theses pictures together that I notice how much I seem to like hearts.

Make sure you keep your sparkle, your sparkle is what makes you different from everyone else. Your sparkle is unique, love your uniqueness x

There are so many people around who make you feel inadequate, spend time with people who help you to shine.
Go out and shine like the stars you are x x
Katie x

Monday, 30 March 2015

A hoppity of bunnies

It's been a very busy few weeks for me. As well as crochet I love to sing, and have been getting ready for a couple of big concerts with the choir I am in. This weekend we were singing at The Sage. It was an amazing experience, even if did have to be cut short.
Normally I am at the back of my section, but somehow I managed to be placed on the front row of the ladies choirs, eek!! Luckily I remembered all my words.
I have been able to keep hooking while learning my words, and as Easter is coming up I thought I would make some Easter chicks.
The first one seemed ok, but the following chicks - well - I wonder if they look a little 'evil'? My son thought they looked like they should be on an episode of Dr Who.

I'm still undecided, I think if I get some small safety eyes they might look friendlier?
Some one who is less scary is Alby, my white rabbit.
Hopefully I will find the notes I took while I was making him, then I can get them on here x
It is lovely to relax on a lovely spring morning, with a cup of tea and my crochet.
The little rabbit applique is from Simply crochet magazine.
I think I got a bit carried away, and I was soon covered in them.
I looked up the collective known for rabbits, my favourite of the list I found, was a 'down of rabbits', however I prefer a 'hoppity of bunnies'.
I hope all these bunnies leave me plenty of chocolate eggs!
Love Katie x x

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Little Leprechaun

This weekend I ended up with a new little friend to join the fairies that wander through my garden.
I have only made the pattern once but wondered if anyone out there would like to give it a go and have their own Little Leprechaun.
Apologies if you spot any mistakes, just message me and I will have a look x
What you will need
3.5mm hook
Beige dk
Green dk
Light green dk
Black dk
Auburn dk
safety eyes
R1) Make a magic ring in beige, work 6dc into the ring
R2) 2dc in each
R3) 2dc, 1dc, repeat around
R4) 2dc, 2xdc, repeat around
R5) 2dc, 3xdc, repeat around
R6) 2dc, 4xdc, repeat around
R7-13) 1dc in each
R14) dc2tog, 4xdc, repeat around
R15) dc2tog, 3xdc, repeat around
R16) dc2tog, 2xdc, repeat around
R17) dc2tog, dc, repeat around
R18) dc in each
place safety eyes between rows 10 and 11, approx. 9st apart
         Change to green
R19) dc in each
R20) 2dc, 1dc, repeat around
R21) 2dc, 2xdc, repeat around
R22) 1dc in each
R23 2dc, 3xdc, repeat around
R24) 1dc in each
R25) 2dc, 4xdc, repeat around
R26-270 1dc in each
R28) 2dc, 5xdc, repeat around
R29-32) 1dc in each
R33) blo, 1dc in each
R34-36) 1dc in each
R37)dc2tog, 5xdc, repeat around
R38) dc2tog, 4xdc, repeat around
R39) dc2tog, 3xdc, repeat around
R40) dc2tog, 2xdc, repeat around
R41) dc2tog, dc, repeat around
R40) dc2tog, repeat around
Coat tails
Re-join green yarn in the centre (front) of R33
R1) flo, ch1 (does not count as a st) dc in each, ch1, turn
R2-3) 1dc in each
R4A) dc in next 21st, ch1, turn
R5A) dc2tog, dc to end, ch1, turn
R6A) dc in 18st, dc2tog, ch1, turn
R7A) dc2tog, dc to end, ch1, turn
R8A) dc2tog, dc till last 2st, dc2tog, finish off
re-join yarn in 22nd st
R4B) ch1, dc in first st, dc to end, ch1, turn
R5B) dc in 19st, dc2tog, ch1, turn
R6B) dc2tog, dc to end, ch1, turn
R7B) dc to last 2st, dc2tog, ch1,turn
R8B) dc2tog, dc to last 2st, dc2tog, finish off
In green ch20
R1) dc in 3rd chain from hook, dc to last st, 1htr in last st, ch2, turn
R2) tr in first st dc till last st, 2tr in last st, finish off.
Stitch around neckline of body.
In black ch38, dc in 2nd ch from hook, dc to end, finish off
Stitch hair in place
Legs (make 2)
R1) In green make a magic ring, 5dc
R2) 2dc in each st
R3) 2dc, 1dc, repeat around
R4) 2dc, 2xdc, repeat around
R5) 1dc in each
R6) 3x tr2tog 14xdc
R7) 3x tr2tog 11x dc
R8-9) 1dc in each
        Change to green
R10-28) 1dc in each
finish off
Arms (make2)
R1) Using beige make a magic ring, 5dc
R2) 2dc in each st
R3) 2dc, 4xdc, 2dc, 4xdc
R4-5) 1dc in each
R6) dc2tog, 2xdc, repeat around
R7) 1dc in each
      Change to green
R8-22) 1dc in each
finish off
R1) In green make a magic ring, 6dc
R2) 2dc in each st
R3) 2dc, 1dc, repeat around
R4) 2dc, 2xdc, repeat around
R5) 2dc, 3xdc, repeat around
R6) blo, 1dc in each
R7-14) 1dc in each
R15) flo, 2dc, 3xdc, repeat around, dc in last 2st
R16) 2dc, 4xdc, repeat around, dc in last 2st
R17) 2dc, 5xdc, repeat around, dc in last 2st, slst in next st
finish off
Hat band
In black ch32, dc in 2nd ch from hook, dc to end, finish off
Stitch around hat.
In light green ch8, slst in 4th ch from hook, ch3 slst in same place as before, ch3 slst in same place as before, finish off, weave around centre of clover and pull tight to close centre.
Stitch one clover to hat and one to shirt.
Hope you enjoy the pattern, if you make my leprechaun please credit me for the pattern.
Thank you
Katie x x

Sunday, 1 March 2015

A Doily Kind of Day

The first thing I ever crocheted when I was a little girl was a doily (well of sorts). My grandma taught me to chain and the double crochet and so I just went round and round feeling very pleased with myself.
Ever since then I have always loved a doily. I didn't care when they were out of fashion, I was still happy to display my doilies with pride.
Now the doily seems to have become a little more popular again (I don't think it's just my wishful thinking). Large, small, plain or colourful, the possibilities are endless. I started adding more colour after looking at beautiful mandalas on Instagram.

I admit I love working a repetitive pattern and getting mathematical with my crochet.

I have been hunting through all my old copies of Simply Crochet to find pretty patterns. I don't always follow the colours given as I like to go with colours that match my mood, or other things that become an inspiration, such as a vase of flowers on the mantelpiece.

Sometimes I like to just pick up my hook and yarn and let the crochet flow, add colours and shape as I feel them. Although I do get cross with myself if I can't work out what I've done when I later want to write out the pattern.
So why don't you pick up a hook and decide how colourful you are feeling today, see what beauty you can create x x
Katie x x