Monday, 15 April 2019

A Little Me Time

So it's the Easter holidays and I get a break from the day job. What am I going to do with all this spare time (silly question)? 
I did think I could type up all the patterns I have written in notebooks, I could sort out all my yarn from its various hiding places, or hunt down all the missing pairs of craft scissors that are hiding down the back/sides of chairs and the sofa. I could even do a little housework?
Instead I finally got started on the projects in one of my Christmas presents. Unicorns, Dragons and more Fantasy Amigurumi. 

The patterns in here are soooo adorable. It was difficult to choose which to start with, but I decided to be good and start with patterns I already had the yarn for ( I had told myself I wouldn't buy any new yarn this break - of course that didn't last long and there are another 8 balls in my yarn collection).

This little unicorn is such a cutie! An easy pattern to follow which works up quickly.

All fairies should have a pet unicorn!

I have a feeling I'm going to be asked to make a few more of these once my friends see these pictures.

A larger project is the Pegasus.
This was a joy to make and is definitely a favourite of mine.

Of course I had to make Tootles a dress to match for the photographs.

The third project I have made from this fabulous book is the baby phoenix. I feel like I need to go get a cute ornamental birdcage to home him.

I feel a matching dress for the fairies is going to be required.

Whatever you are doing this Easter, I hope it is magical x

Love Katie x x x