At the end of last year I started to see all the lovely pictures popping up on Instagram and Pinterest of finished temperature blankets. Until this time I hadn't heard of this idea but as I seemed to have lost my crojo I thought it would be a good way to get myself hooked again. This method uses the temperature from each day the determin the colour of the row you crochet.
I found a few charts online with ideas for colours to use for the different temperatures but I wanted more colour than these had.
After spending more time looking at pictures of lovely yarn I decided to order the Attic24 Cosy stylecraft dk kit from Woolwharehouse, adding a few extra colours to the mix.
The yarn pack came with a pattern for Lucy's cosy blanket so I decided to keep to the pattern, changing the colour order to match with the temperature chart I matched the colours to.
Each day I checked the temperature and wrote in my diary. I had to wait a week into January to get started while I waited for my lovely Stylecraft yarn to arrive.
At first everything seemed to be going really well. I loved the way the shades were working up and I was getting good at making sure I weaved in the ends every few days so I wouldn't be left with that job at the end ( oh how we all love the job of weaving in the ends of striped blankets)!
Then came the end of January and I wanted to take a picture to share with friends to show how it was turning out. This was when I discovered that January no longer had only 31 days, that there were now 32!
Looking back matching temperatures in my blanket to the changes of colour, I had managed to add an extra day right in the middle of the month.
I would love to say I was the type of fastidious person who would rip 15 rows out to get rid of a little mistake - but no, not a chance. So from now on January 2017 had 32 days.
So now we are in March. The colour stripes started off predominately purple at the start of the year, now there are more blue shades, with the odd warm(ish) day adding a splash of green.
I am looking forward to see how the pattern grows though the year, and hopefully there will be no more extra days!
Katie x x