Bad dreams, nightmares, night terrors, whatever you call them, I have them.
I hate waking in the middle of the night in absolute panic. Did I hear someone banging on the door, is there someone in the room.
Then there are the type that make me feel stressed. The dream I regularly have is that I'm sorting all my buttons into jars of different colours, and that I keep seeing a button in the wrong jar and as soon as I get it out I spot another, silly I know.
So I decided I would make myself a dream catcher to hang above my bed.
Starting with a basic doily pattern, I made it until it was the correct size to fit inside a wooden crochet hook, then worked a double crochet stitch around the hoop, securing the doily as I went.
Once I finished the first, well I kept going.
I now have a collection of 40 dream catchers to choose from!
Sweet dreams
Katie x x